Friday, March 19, 2010

Not exactly raking in the cash

So I set up Adsense with the intention of making boat loads of cash, turns out if you don't actually blog about anything, you don't make any money. Who knew. (if you did not know that please do not post a comment, if you did know that and thought that I didn't please don't tell me in a comment). However, if for some strange reason you have arrived at this blog, and have managed to read this far, why? Please feel free to post that in a comment.


I think I'm much more a fan of Yoda than Yoga. My wife wanted to try yoga through the "on demand" with comcast. We did the beginner's class. I need remedial instruction. I liked how in the video they say for beginners watch so and so in the orange, and then don't show her on the screen, and how in the heck are you supposed to even be able to see the screen when you are attempting to not fall over doing one of the yoga positions? I did find it humorous, and for that reason, I may consider giving it one more try.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sometimes typing can be a challenge

Especially when your keyboard is recovering from a two year old spilling apple juice on it.

We have two computers set up (right next to each other, basically I never got rid of the old one after copying all the files over to the new one). So the two year old likes to climb up and hit some the keys (he seems to be very capable of putting the computer into accessibility mode, and we either have the zoom turned on, or anything you click on it reads you the name of the object). So one day he climbs up with his brother's cup of apple juice, since we probably have a cup of coffee with us when we type I guess that only makes sense. Only I've never seen my wife poor her coffee on the keyboard. Well he managed to pour the juice on both keyboards.

So on the new computer's keyboard the middle keys (including the space bar) stick, and this one he seems to have hit more the right side. Better than the story I've heard about someone else's kid painting the TV with what was found inside his diaper.

Why I'm doing this Blog

My wife and I have been Married 10 years (almost) and a few years back we used the line "That was the funniest thing I said today." And I've seen the "Monitize your Blog" and I've heard that people can make a lot of money blogging. So that's basically it, I plan on making a boat load of cash blogging.

That might just be, the funniest thing I said today.